Friday, October 22, 2010

T.A.Terfikir?? Basikal Elektrik...


Setiap kali kita mengisi minyak kenderaan masing-masing tidak terfikirkah anda, adakah minyak yang kenderaan anda perlukan itu akan ada selama-lamanya..tidak terfikir kah bahawa berapa banyak jumlah kenderaan sedang bergerak sekarang..secara realitinya tiada benda yang kekal selama-lamanya..oleh begitu minyak juga akan habis akhirnya..mungkin ini salah satu jalan penyelesaiannya..fikirlah sanggupkah anda..

Sistem solar..

motor pengawal..

How It Works
The mechanics of the Solar Bike are pretty simple.

1. Solar panels, which are mounted on a small trailer pulled behind the bicycle collect free energy from the sun.

2. This energy is used to charge two batteries located in the middle of the frame between the riders legs. Energy is being taken from the batteries and going to the motor at the same time that energy is going from the solar panels and charging the batteries. This is what gives the solar bike its extended range.

3. Energy is taken from the batteries and used to power the motor which is mounted above the rear wheel. The motor turns a belt which in turn turns the wheel.

4. A charge controller is used to make sure the batteries never become too drained or over filled by the solar panels, ensuring the longevity of the batteries.

5. A throttle is located on the handle bars allowing the rider to control the speed of the bike.

6. Pedals still work if the rider would like to use them for fun or to extend the range of the bike.



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